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The Burnout of Trauma
The push harder-get things done-grit your teeth and get through it way has taken a toll. And that toll has been inflated through the past two years. There’s only so much more that your body will take of this way of handling the hard things in life.
Stop Avoiding Your Thoughts
Our brain is wired to create thoughts and feelings and may in fact even be more likely to create the very thing we want to avoid
Why am I always on edge? - The COVID Edition
Recently, we realized that one of our blogs, “Why am I always on edge?” has had a jump in views of the past several weeks. The post was written two years ago. It didn’t take too long for me to realize that it’s likely due to our collective COVID-19 experience, so I thought I’d update the blog to take a global pandemic, and re-entry, into account.
For the Moms Out There That are Feeling Lost
When you are pregnant, everyone is focused on you.
A Conversation with Toni Gorn About Her Super Power
Since getting my in Bachelors in social work, I always knew I wanted to be a therapist.