
Since getting my in Bachelors in social work, I always knew I wanted to be a therapist. Displaying empathy and providing a judgement free zone is something that has come naturally. However, what has really made me a good therapist is my straightforwardness (not sure if that is a word). It is something that has always been part of my personality.  Friends and family will agree it can be both my best and worst quality.  I am not a fan of being fake, pretending or excuses.    

Clinically, we like to call this “joining through the truth”.   It is a process that was developed by Terry Real, and Relational Life Therapy Model. Through this model, as a therapist I do not simply smile and nod and provide you vague responses that leave you with more questions than answers. Rather I tell you what I am hearing, what I am thinking, as simply as I can, even when it’s something that you don’t want to hear. Through my experience as both a therapist and an individual engaged in therapy, this process is the most effective in setting goals and reaching them.  

When entering a session with me, it will be more than an hour of you offloading your week.  We will build a therapeutic relationship where I can tell you what I am seeing and what difficult roads you can take if you want to create change.  This is your session, so I will not dictate what you should do, but it will be a discussion with compassionate feedback to help you meet the goals that we set in session.   

If you are looking to find a therapist that is different than ones you have seen before, or do not want the version that you have seen on TV, give Harper Therapy a call at 813-464-3639.


For the Moms Out There That are Feeling Lost


Introducing Alina and Toni, facilitators of our Upcoming Rising Strong for Families of Loved Ones in Addiction