How the Caterpillar Becomes a Butterfly: How Your Life Can Look Different After Two Days


Do you think that a caterpillar is aware of the changes it’s going through as it becomes a butterfly? I was on a 12-mile hike recently.  Twelve miles gives plenty of time, space, and quiet for random thoughts to pop into your head, and this was mine.  Only maybe this one was not so random.

I’ve often thought that the therapy process is quite a bit like the metamorphosis that caterpillars go through to become butterflies.  Actually, since I’m neither a caterpillar nor a butterfly, I can only imagine it’s somewhat like the process.

Like a caterpillar, I was drawn into the crystalys.  And by “drawn”, I mean that I didn’t really have a choice.  My “time” had come.  God/ the universe/ a higher power had deemed that it was do or die.  Face the past or have my life wither away by not facing it.  And I believe that, at some level, each of us comes to a similar crossroads in our lives.  It’s simply part of being human.

So I accepted the invitation. And entered into the crystalys.

It was different.  Like an entirely different planet.  There were new ideas.  New language.  New ways of interacting with myself and others.  It was Uncomfortable.  There were some times that it felt dark and lonely.  


Slowly, I felt things starting to shift.  Inside that space.  Inside myself.  Almost imperceptible at times.  Other times, there was big movement.  Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar can grow in safety.

And then, the time comes for the transformed creature to exit the cocoon.  To spread its new wings.  Try them out.  

This newness, too, can feel uncomfortable.  Wobbly.  The sun can sometimes feel too bright after the darkness of the cocoon.  The new wings need to gain strength.  

But soon, the eyes have adjusted, the wings unfurled.

In my own process, I’ve gained new perspective.  Distressing memories have been filed away in their proper place -- long term memory storage instead of being triggered and on guard all the time (this is exhausting!!).  I can show up more authentically in my relationships, with loving boundaries and my full heart instead of being reactive and defensive.  The itty bitty shitty committee has taken a furlough.  There’s peace, love, and joy.

I’ve entered the cocoon several times since then.  I happen to be a big proponent of therapy, life continues to be life -- with all of its challenges and losses and opportunities for growth.  

Over time, I’ve wondered something else… What if the cocoon looked different?  Weekly therapy is so powerfully helpful, but there have been times that I’ve wanted to tuck away, go deeper, faster in the work.  Open things up and let them be released and healed (like a butterfly!).  So I looked for different ways to cocoon, but couldn’t find what my gut, instinct, and wisdom told me would be most powerful.  There were longer programs.  There were group programs.  But these didn’t quite fit the bill.

So I created my own. Individual two day Intensives. A 10 hour crystalys to grow and heal and metamorphose safely.  And come out a new creation.  One that is stronger, more peaceful, more joyful, more connected.

Are you being called to the transformation? 

Give me a call and we can talk it through!


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