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Staying – What Needs to Change?
You recognize that no one is perfect, and that no relationship is perfect, but you also know that things could be better than they are.
Work Hard for the Money
Financial abuse is difficult to point out because we live in a society where talking about money has been deemed rude. It’s also difficult, because although we are a “progressive society” we still hold gender roles close to heart, where one person takes charge of finances in the home.
Sticks and Stone May Break My Bones, but Words Can Never Hurt Me
Abuse includes inflicting physical pain, it also includes unwanted intercourse within the partnered couple, and it includes emotional and verbal pain
The Feedback Wheel in Relationships
Today we discussed a tool that I find helpful with couples, teens and really anyone you have a conversation with.
A Conversation with Toni Gorn About Her Super Power
Since getting my in Bachelors in social work, I always knew I wanted to be a therapist.