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Relationship Bootcamp

The Essential Skills Workshop

You and your partner thought you’d be past the problems in your relationship by now. You thought you would have figured out how to communicate without yelling… or shutting down… or both. You thought that if you read enough books, or listened to enough podcasts or scheduled enough date nights that you’d start to feel like you were more than just roommates.

Our Next Bootcamp is:

November 16-17 2024 - REGISTERING NOW!

9:30am-5:30pm Each Day

$100 Early Bird Discount Code For Couples: BOOTCAMP100

$50 Early Bird Discount Code For Individuals: BOOTCAMP50


But none of that has happened… yet(?).

You both know that therapy is an option, but you’d like something that feels a little less “formal”. Something with less of a financial and time investment.

You’ve looked at other couples’ events, but the idea of listening to speaker after speaker in a dark arena with thousands of other couples makes you already start to nod off.

You might have even tried something that’s offered you a lot of “tools”, but you’re finding it nearly impossible to actually use the tools in real life.

Welcome to Harper Therapy and Relational Life Therapy’s Essential Skills Workshop, a two-day experiential event that not only teaches you the Essential Skills for an intimate relationship, it also helps you to get a handle on the part of you that could care less about using the skills when you actually need them (IYKYK).

Relational Life Relationship Bootcamp

This is a live workshop that combines lectures, in-person role play, small group exercises, and personal work that can transform your relationship.

Over two days, you will…

  • Learn the Five Losing Strategies that have been keeping you in your stuck patterns in your relationship.

  • Practice the Five Winning Strategies that can help you get more of the connection you want.

  • Get a better understanding of the maladaptive dance you and your partner have been in (likely for years).

  • Become skilled in healthy listening and responding skills.

  • Understand that relationships cycle through Harmony, Disharmony, and Repair, and discover the brain-science-backed steps to make Repair in your relationship.

  • Begin to build a relationship based on compassion, collaboration, and closeness.

Why a Group?

This group will be eight (8) participants, which will allow everyone to learn from one another and reinforce your practice of living relationally. In other words, the group format is, in itself, relational and can contribute powerfully to your experience as a couple. (PS. The idea of a group might feel uncomfortable at first, but we PROMISE that you and your partner are not alone in your struggles, and understanding this through the group is part of the experience).

Our Next Bootcamp is:

November 16-17 2024

9:30am-5:30pm Each Day

What you can expect

This is an educational, immersive group that offers a comfortable learning environment that is more affordable and less time-consuming than traditional weekly therapy.

This workshop is available to both couples and individuals of any marital status or sexual orientation. If you’re looking to improve your relationships, this is the place for you.



You are an individual or couple who wants a better understanding of how you can improve your relationship and tools that you can start using right away.

You want 14 hours of psychoeducation in Relational Life Therapy in a format that is less expensive and time-consuming than traditional therapy.

You’re ready to get to the root causes of the painful interactions in your relationship and begin creating new patterns based on the science of interpersonal neurobiology.

And for you fellow helpers and healers out there, this workshop helps you to get these relational concepts into your bones because living them out is the best way to bring them to your clients! (Love you!)



You are unable to commit to the full two (2) days. The concepts build over both days, so if you can’t be present the entire time, please consider future dates.

You are not willing or able to be curious about the ways YOU impact your relationships (you are the only person you can control, after all!).

You or your partner are actively involved in an affair or have recently discovered an affair that is not being addressed in couple’s therapy.

You or your partner have an addiction that impacts the relationship that isn’t being addressed by treatment or some kind of recovery work (ie, Alcoholics Anonymous)

About Shamon and Yolanda

Hey there! We’re Shamon and Yolanda Harper. We’re high school sweethearts, which means that we’ve been together for more than 30(!!!!!) years. We have three adult children, who have all launched, and two fur babies, who we still share our house (and bed) with.

Shamon has an MBA and an MDiv (he counts) and Yolanda is a licensed therapist (she feels) and together we run Harper Therapy.

Yolanda’s expertise is in trauma and relationship work, with more than 14 years in the therapy field. She is certified in RLT and is a Trainer of the therapy. She is also a TEDx Speaker and author.

But most importantly, we are in relational recovery – both individually and together in our marriage. We practice the things we teach, and when we don’t, our relationship has the same problems as everyone else's. Thankfully, with these skills, we have far more better days than not! 

About Relational Life Therapy

This workshop is based on the work of Terry Real, who is an internationally recognized therapist, speaker, author, and founder of Relational Life Therapy, which helps couples build the lasting, loving relationships they deserve. 

Yolanda has been trained by Terry, is certified in RLT, and is a Trainer for the Relational Life Institute, helping to train the next generation of relationship therapists. This authorized workshop uses concepts and skills from RLT in an educational, immersive, experiential format.

Register Here:

Our next Relationship Bootcamp is September 7-8 2024 9:30am-5:30pm each day.