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Benita Hayes Benita Hayes

Therapy Is Proven To Work

Therapy addresses the emotional, psychological, relational, and spiritual well-being of the individual.  Let’s be honest. The patchwork of our existence whether it involves relationships, jobs, children, social issues or whatever, there’s bound to be stress, anxiety, depression, grief, problem solving, trauma, and the list goes on where the help of a therapist is needed.

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Are You Emotionally Intelligent?

You have to take small steps every day. You cannot expect to do inner child work one time and then be an expert at articulating and coping with your emotions. Remember that practice leads to mastery. Here are the steps you need to be aware of to see progress when it comes to healing emotional neglect and mastering emotional intelligence.

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It’s Not You, It’s Your Inner Child

If you want to change that emotional mess you get caught up in and actually want to be able to process your emotions and other people's feelings, then working with your childhood emotional wound is the best place to start.

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Healing Emotional Neglect

You might still be struggling with the leftovers of your emotional neglect during childhood.

You might be used to not understanding what you actually feel, and you keep struggling to understand any other type of feeling.

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