Is It Abuse If My Partner Does Not Hit Me?

Emotional abuse is hard to recognize because  it is masked in everyday interactions. It can happen in romantic relationships, friendships, or even with co-workers. It is when someone else makes you feel guilty, embarrassed, or crazy if you do not do what they want. Emotional abuse leads to lower self-esteem,  depression, isolation, and doubting your own reality.

Here are some examples of how emotional abuse looks like in relationship:

·   Demanding you spent all of your time together and expecting you to meet all of their needs

·   Criticizing  and getting mad at you if you do not complete task as they wanted to

·If you express your wants or needs they accuse you of being selfish  or needy

·Refusing to accept your feelings or opinions

·Suggesting that your perceptions is wrong, or you blow out things our of proportion

·Calling you “crazy”, “too emotional”, or “overly sensitive”

·They behave erratically, and you have to “walk on eggshells”

·They manipulate you by making you feel guilty

·Using your fear or values to control you or the situation

·Acting like they always know what is best

·Treating you inferior

·Using jealousy and envy as sign of love to keep you from seeing friends or other people

- Controlling who you spent time with  

A relationship may start in a way that is loving and appears to be normal, but with time it can turn into a controlling, abusive relationship. The abuser will want you to cut tights with people that you are close to, so you have to depend on them. They will make you feel bad for wanting to spend time with anyone that is not them, or for having self-care time. They will make you feel like you cannot do anything on your own and that you need them. Furthermore, they will criticize and complain about the clothes you wear, about your job, your friends or any decision you make without their input

You deserve to be in a relationship where your voice is heard and where you do not feel guilty for thinking about what you want.  We are here to help, contact us if you need someone to help you escape this cycle. 


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When Your Anxiety (or Depression or ADD...) is Really Trauma