Meet Our, New Therapist, Alejandra


Meet Alejandra! She is our bilingual, amazing, new therapist. Alejandra is a Registered Clinical Social Work Intern.  Her superpower is helping people to feel safe.  She will help you navigate the uncertainty and overwhelming feelings.  Along with helping you find your voice and finding balance in caring for others and yourself!

“You feel you may be struggling with finding your strength.  You would love to find some balance between being there for others and making time yourself, but you don't even know where to start.  You constantly feel tired and overwhelmed with taking care of everyone else. Life presses on and you get stuck pushing your limits to please others. There never seems to be any time for you. There is this constant feeling of being unappreciated at home and in your job. There does not seem to be a support system in place to rely on.   You worry that you are letting everyone down and not able to make anyone “happy.”  You may not even be sure you know what you want in life.  It makes sense that you feel  in pain and overwhelmed with anxiety because it looks like there is not  an option to change things.

The first step towards happiness and having a life worth living is realizing that you are valuable, and making your happiness a priority is as important as it is to pay rent and go to work. You need to learn to be kind with yourself as you are with others. It's time to realize that you are doing your best and that is good enough.  You do not need to push to the limit to please other people at work or at home. It is okay to think about yourself and what you want without feeling guilty, you deserve to have time to rest and not feel pressure to put others' needs first. It's time to set boundaries with your family and your job, it's time to try something new and make time for yourself, do something that brings you happiness.”


Call 434 3639 to schedule with Alejandra!


Feeling More Connected to Your Partner


All Roads Lead to Boundaries