All Roads Lead to Boundaries

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Boundaries are a topic that comes up with each of my clients.  No matter what they came into therapy for, eventually we discuss boundaries.  The best way I knew to explain boundaries was from Brene’ Brown; What's ok, what's not ok.  Sometimes, that is not enough.   

Boundaries are the fence to your house, so that neighbors know where your property line ends and their’s begins.  They are how you build an emotional safeguard with yourself and others.  Oftentimes lack of boundaries are why we begin to lack compassion and feel resentment.  You are giving from something that you do not have.  I shared the spoons example; You only have so many spoons to give, and if you hand them all out, you don’t have a spoon for yourself.  One of my favorite boundaries is that no is a full sentence.  Even when you have to say it to yourself.  

If you would like a better understanding of boundaries and how to use them, give Harper Therapy a call at 813-434-3639.

Toni Gorn

My super power is empathy. It is important to me that clients feel comfortable and know that my space is always a judgement free zone. I am solution oriented and will help you build skills to handle the curve balls life and relationships will continue to throw at you.


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