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Can Sexual Abuse Happen in a Relationship?
You keep trying to make your partner listen, but the more you say “no” the less you are heard and the more forceful the situation gets. It happens, you are forced to have sex, unconsented and even painful, and to top it off you are insulted at the end because of “poor performance”
Boom... Psychological Warfare!
Psychological abuse leads to self criticism, self-doubt, second guessing almost everything you do, second guessing memories or events, increases shame, guilt, and makes you feel unwanted, unloved, unlovable, broken, a shell of a person. Some people experience it as depression, others as anxiety, but when we dig deep…it’s the aftermath of an ongoing, never ending psychological warfare.
Work Hard for the Money
Financial abuse is difficult to point out because we live in a society where talking about money has been deemed rude. It’s also difficult, because although we are a “progressive society” we still hold gender roles close to heart, where one person takes charge of finances in the home.
Sticks and Stone May Break My Bones, but Words Can Never Hurt Me
Abuse includes inflicting physical pain, it also includes unwanted intercourse within the partnered couple, and it includes emotional and verbal pain