Core Values and Your Relationship
Core Values. They're part of our make-up, almost as much as our DNA. But we don't usually take time to consider what our core values are and think about how they impact our most important relationships. Well, today, we talk about it!!
What is the definition of Core Values?
Honestly, it's one of those words where you want to use the word to define the word, so let's turn to, which says that the definition is:
Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization... Core values also help companies to determine if they are on the right path and fulfilling their goals by creating an unwavering guide.
At Harper Therapy, we believe that Core Values are traits or beliefs that define us and what is important to us.
Our Core Values fuel our actions when we are our the best versions of ourselves. They're our guiding light through times of uncertainty and difficulty (that's why we love the metaphor of the lantern!). And they weigh heavy on us when we're not in alignment with them.
Our Core Values tend to be our non-negotiables. And because they are non-negotiable, they can either be a point of connection or a point of combustion in our relationships.
Read more below video:
Why is it important?
Our Core Values are foundational to who we are. When we're in alignment with them, all is right with the world. Therefore, they're foundational to our relationship. As each partner navigates within their values, they are able to show up as the best version of themselves with their partner. When we're out of alignment with our values, we're off and are doing a disservice to our relationship.
Knowing our partner's Core Values allows us to bring that strong suit into the relationship, and it also gives us a deeper understanding of our partner, including their tender points. Successful couples hold those tender points tenderly, with kindness, love, and generosity (the opposite of taking advantage of this knowledge!!).
Take a Closer Look at Core Values and Your Relationship
In the list below, choose 2-3 words - and invite your partner to do the same. We highlighted some as examples, but choose the ones that resonate deepest for you:
Core Values Have a Backstory
What's the story behind the importance of your values?? Where did they come from? Think about the story and stare it with your partner.
Core Values in Action
What are your behaviors that show that you are in alignment with your Core Values?? What does that look like in your relationship?? How do you know when you have moved out of alignment of your values? What are those behavior? Share with each other. Find out what you can do to support your partner when they are acting outside of their values and want to be more in alignment. That's a win for everyone!
Want more support for an amazing relationship? Call Harper Therapy at 813-434-3639 to schedule an appointment with Yiara, our couple's expert, or use the form below to get information on our upcoming workshops, intensives, and retreat offerings to make your relationship stellar!
Shamon and Yolanda Harper are the Co-Founders of Harper Therapy. Married for 24 years, they bring a combination of practical, every-day tools, as well as clinical best-practice to help couples reignite their passion for each other.