Overcome Anxiety by Improving Sleep


You know the classic question of which came first, the chicken or the egg??  This is what happens when we start talking about sleep and anxiety.  Because the two are so intertwined, it's hard to get an idea of whether anxiety symptoms began first and impacted sleep, with racing thoughts and a buzzing energy throughout your body, or if a bout of insomnia caused your nervous system to become dysregulated and increase symptoms of anxiety.  But just like the answer to the chicken/egg question (it doesn't really matter if the chicken or the egg came first, right?) you can start to overcome anxiety by improving sleep.  Here are some tips to help!

Tips to Overcome Anxiety by Improving Sleep:

  1. Move your body during the day.  We've said it time and time again. Anxiety is energy, and exercise helps release that energy.  Exercise also helps to fatigue the body, helping you to improve sleep.  It's a two-for-one tip!

  2. Limit caffeine, alcohol, and screen time.  Too much caffeine before bed will keep most people awake.  While we often pay attention to not drink coffee too closely to bedtime, also pay attention to other drinks and foods that contain caffeine.  Some people drink alcohol to help them get to sleep, but because the body processes alcohol as a poison, this often means that you wake in the middle of the night!  And the blue light from computer screens, tablets, and phones is very stimulating to the brain, so limit those before bedtime, too!

  3. Set the mood. Check your sleep environment. Typically, cool, dark, and quiet works best!

  4. Use technology. Based on your wake up time, a smart watch or fitness tracker can remind you when it's time to start getting ready for bed.

  5. Set a routine. Your favorite pjs, a cup of warm tea, your favorite essential oils.  Have your bedtime routine that lets your brain and your body know it's time to unwind and get ready for bed!

  6. Set boundaries with yourself!  Honestly, this is the hardest tip.  Usually, we don't get the sleep we need because we don't prioritize sleep.  We let work, chores, and netflix invade in on our sleep time.  But when we emphasize sleep first, the other things shift into place and we actually get more done with a well rested body and brain!

Call Harper Therapy for additional tools to help with anxiety - schedule your free 15 minute consultation today.


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