Community Collaboration : Anitya Doula Services

Q: What is your name and title?

A: Catherine Durkin Robinson - End-of-Life Doula and Owner of Anitya Doula Services

Q: What is the name of your business/organization?

A: Anitya Doula Services

Q: Tell us a little bit about your organization and its mission.

A: We offer non-medical, compassionate care. Often we serve those facing the end-of-life, partnering with support provided by other sources. This support can include hospice, comfort care, and each client’s own natural network

We understand common conditions and diseases. This includes pain management practices. Also, we understand the dying process and helpful ways to ease suffering. This includes rituals from multiple religions and belief systems. Above all, we provide unconditional positive regard and no judgments. We do this while engaging in open talks with clients.

Q: Who is a good fit for services at Anitya Doula Services?

A: Those who are making end-of-life plans, either before or after a serious/terminal diagnosis.

Q: What's your favorite part about your job?

A: Being welcomed into a most sacred time in a person's life and helping them achieve a good death

Q: What do you wish people knew about doula services?

A: I wish more people knew that death is not scary - and talking about or planning a good death usually helps people feel better about it.

Q: What makes Anitya Doula Services unique in the doula world?

A: My background makes this a unique service. I'm a former columnist so I meet a lot of people who want me to write their life stories and then we pull obituaries, eulogies and social media posts from that. I also come from an Irish Catholic background and converted as an adult to Judaism. I am also a student of Buddhism. As a result, I am intimately familiar with a variety of traditions and grief rituals to help people who might need them.

Q: How can people learn more and contact you? (Website, Phone, Social Media Platforms)

A: 813.453.4274/ on Twitter, FB and IG


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