Getting Help For Your Relationship Earlier Can Be So Much Easier Than Trying to Raise A Sinking Ship!

couples therapy

Last week we talked about how getting help for your relationship earlier can save you money and time. Today I want to talk a little about how getting help for your relationship earlier can give you so much more hope for your future than waiting for an average six years before you and your partner decide to get the help you need for your relationship. 

A lot of pent-up emotion and frustration can build up for the average six years it takes for people to get the help they need. We see couples that are on their last leg here all the time. We are always asked if we can help them, and we tell them we can, but it will take work from both of them. 

Sometimes putting in that work can feel like trying to raise a sinking ship. I don’t know much about ships, but I know that raising them is harder than keeping them on the water. 

Our relationships are the same way, it is so much harder to raise a sinking relationship than keeping a relationship that is bobbing up and down over the water from sinking. That is why waiting that average of six years, to get help for your relationship is a bad thing to do. 

You may think things are not terrible, we are rolling with the punches and muddling along here, but why settle for that when things could be really good? Why wait for the bottom to fall out when you could do something that can take your relationship to the next level of intimacy and connection? When you could put some really strong foundations under your relationship that you know will survive the storms. 

Why settle for an acceptable level of misery when you could both be really happy in your relationship?

Relationships are hard, they take nurturing and effort. It’s so much better to put that effort into building that relationship rather than trying to save something that is sinking so fast that you are drowning in it. 

You can put things in place by investing in your relationship before the wheels fall off which will help you stay afloat when times are tough. 

We can help your relationship at Harper Therapy. Call today at 813-434-3639


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Getting Help For Your Relationship Earlier Can Save You Money!