"Moming" Series: Family Mission Statement

Having a Family Mission Statement.png

Last week, the blog discussed how after a family change, like a new child, we are invited to revisit our values. We are invited to prioritize them in a way that works for the current situation (so maybe timeliness will not be a priority value when you are adjusting to getting three kids ready, but organization and planning could be at the top), to establish that light in the lantern that will guide us in the new path of parenthood.  But it’s not the only thing we can do to adapt to family changes.  Let’s sit and chat for a bit.

A new child, or another child into the family core is a shift from the comfortable and familiar to the weird and unknown.  We feel like the day doesn’t have enough hours. We feel like no amount of sleep is enough. We feel like we are coming up short as parents, and oh my…will we mess this up?!  All of these questions, and more, surface after a little one joins the tribe.  All of these questions are valid, and the fear of messing up never goes away.  However, one thing we can do is to clarify what path we are going to take. With that though in mind, I introduce to you: The Family Mission Statement!

Yes, all companies have a mission statement. No, your family is a living breathing entity, not a business. But let’s look at how this idea is therapeutic.  A mission statement is a summary of the values of a company and what it aims to be in its practice.  In the same fashion, a family can have a mission statement based on the values discussed in last week’s blog in order to guide itself to where they want to arrive. It helps the parents and the children to remain focused on tasks, and motivated to move forward.

How do we create a Family Mission Statement?

  1. Sit down with your partner, and children who understand what values are, and choose your top three (the ones that light up the lantern to illuminate your path).

  2. Define “what” you do

  3. Define “how” you do it

  4. Define “why” you do it

Example: My family values are Connection, Persistence, Balance, Fun and Love

  • What do we do: We make time for each other (connection) in a consistent manner (persistence) as we step in and out of work and family life (balance) to share our worries and laugh while we heal (fun), and we accept each other unconditionally while we do so (love).

  • How do we do it: We schedule our calendars for family time. We listen without judgment. We validate each others feelings.

  • Why we do it: To make every person feel comfortable in their truth and their authenticity. To not burn out. To look at life’s silver linings. To let every member of the family know that they are loved beyond measure

Example of a mission statement:

“This family’s unstoppable mission is to make space and time for true, vulnerable and authentic conversations that make us feel deeply connected. By doing so we ensure that all our family members feel loved and know they are free to feel the not so great emotions, as well as enjoy the magical moments life offers.”

After you decide what feels right for you and your tribe, you can print it out, frame it and place it somewhere you can see it on a daily basis.  The mission can remain the same for years, or it can change year by year.  Now that you know how to do it…will you join us in creating yours?! We hope so!

If this topic was interesting and you would like to learn more. Feel free to call us at 813.434.3639, and let Harper Therapy be your home for Hope, Growth and Healing!


Community Collaboration: Sense ABLE Brain Pediatric Therapy


Realigning Values in the Mommy-ing Process