Realigning Values in the Mommy-ing Process

Realigning Values in the Mommy-ing Process.png

Realigning yourself during the mommy-ing process.

Often times when someone seeks out therapy, they have an overwhelming feeling of being “lost”.  This can happen to anyone, but it absolutely happens to parents when transitioning from being fun and single, to being married and then being a mom.  Your whole life seems to be dedicated to these tiny humans and then suddenly it's not.  You’re left not knowing what your favorite color is anymore.  First and foremost, as we have discussed during this series, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  

One of the tools that we use during sessions is finding your values or the lantern exercise.  It's usually the first homework assignment I give clients.  This assignment asks you to look at a lantern, and imagine the flame represents your values.  When you have been in a dark place or feel that you are struggling, you have put your lantern (your values) down.  If you realign your choices with your values your path will become more clear. The back of the worksheet provides some ideas for values. Personally when I completed this exercise, I sat next to my computer and used the thesaurus for each word to make sure I understood the meaning. Yiara tells her clients that you can have up to ten, and then you can categorize and refine them down to two or three.  She also suggests looking back and thinking about what were your values in the past so not everything seems new and overwhelming.  In the following sessions we will come back to your values.  We will discuss what people and behaviors help support your values, and which do not. The back of the worksheet provides some ideas for values.

If you feel like you are lost and want to find your lantern, give Harper therapy a call at 813-434-3639.  Let us be part of your hope, growth and healing.  

Toni Gorn

My super power is empathy. It is important to me that clients feel comfortable and know that my space is always a judgement free zone. I am solution oriented and will help you build skills to handle the curve balls life and relationships will continue to throw at you.


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