Trust is a component of any relationship; A relationship with yourself, a teenager or significant other.  It’s such a  broad word and the definition can be very subjective. Brene Brown does a great job of defining trust by using the acronym BRAVING.  

  • Boundaries

  • Reliability

  • Accountability

  • Vault

  • Integrity

  • Non Judgement

  • Generosity

Out of these 7, I will be discussing 3 that stand out to me the most.  The first one is reliability.  You say what you’re going to do and do what you’re going to say.  You make commitments that are within your means and are able to balance your priorities.  You are home for dinner at 5pm, or follow through with the promise to mow the yard. 

Accountability is important to mean because I feel that it is similar to standing in your truth.  Owning your mistakes and a sincere apology can go a long way.  People make mistakes and screw up, the difference is owning the mistake.  When you try to lie or fudge to cover up, it opens up a slippery slope and can begin to break down that foundation of trust.

The last one is integrity.  This one is my favorite.  Choosing courage over comfort.  Sometimes courage is scary, but it's that vulnerability that allows you to grow.  It's not always easy, but choosing the next right thing will benefit you.    

If trust is something that you feel that you are struggling with, and you are interested in a free consult, please call us at 813-434-3639.


The Feedback Wheel in Relationships


Community Collaboration: Hanley Center at Origins, Origins Behavioral Healthcare