Community Collaboration: Hanley Center at Origins, Origins Behavioral Healthcare

Origins Behavioral Healthcare is an abstinence based, 12-step, clinically-driven treatment center known for treating co-occurring disorders. We have been around for 35 years. Our mission is to provide the best possible medical and mental health treatment to help individuals overcome their issues and reunite families.

Q: What is your name and title?

A: Renee Rogers, Professional Relations Officer

Q: What is the name of your business/organization?

A: Hanley Center at Origins, Origins Behavioral Healthcare

Q: Tell us a little bit about your organization and its mission.

A: We are an abstinence based, 12-step, clinically-driven treatment center known for treating co-occurring disorders. We have been around for 35 years. Our mission is to provide the best possible medical and mental health treatment to help individuals overcome their issues and reunite families. We want every person to ultimately be the best version of themselves.

Q: What client is the best fit for Origins?

A: Those looking for a very high quality, gender specific, age-specific (65+) or conceirge, executive program. Chronic relapsers, medically complex cases and/or high mental health acuity pateints so long as substance us is going on also.

Q: What's your favorite part about working for Origins?

A: Making a long term, life-changing difference in people's lives. Helping families and individuals navigate through the intimidating world of mental health during times of crisis.

Q: What do you wish people knew about substance use recovery?

A: Never, ever give up hope. Recovery is absolutely possible. Every person knows or is related to someone struggling w/MH or Substance Use issues so let's end the stigma.

Q: What makes Origins unique in the treatment world?

A: There is only one 3.7 level ASAM ceritifed treatment center in the state of Florida, our Hanley Center at Origins, which is our flagship property. We can take some of the most medically complex and high acuity patients that others will not and/or cannot. All of our programs were developed out of a need. We are more of a clinically-driven program than in insurance driven program. We have 4 very small programs consisting of a max of 18 beds in each program. 1 female only program, 1 male only program, 1 of the few exclusively older adults only program (65+) and a high net worth, concierge program.

Q: How can people learn more and contact you? (Website, Phone, Social Media Platforms)

A: Call or text me at 727-515-7721 or go to

Q: Share one fun fact about you that most people don’t know.

A: I used to be a guest host on The Shopping Channel (and/or) that I had my own fashion segment on an Atlanta TV news show.


Rumbling with Trust


For the Moms Out There That are Feeling Lost