Habits and the COVID19 Pandemic


Like it or not, we are all creatures of habit.  We benefit from structure and predictability which serve as not just a baseline for our behavior, but a platform for growth.  The threat of Covid-19 and shelter in place initiative has changed our baseline.

Some people are starting online businesses, enrolling in masterclass, and doing beach body 3 times a day.  Some are displaced from their jobs, binge-watching TV, and are getting their steps from the computer to the fridge and back.  As the pajama party is coming to an end, it is time to re-emerge, re-invent ourselves, and plan for a new normal.  Let’s take a no excuses, no judgment, approach and look at making and breaking habits…

The brain itself does not differentiate a good habit from a bad habit.  Habits are a normal, natural occurrence; cue, craving, response, reward, a neural pathway has been established, the brain continues working towards cognitive efficiency.  If it feels good, do it again, and it becomes easier.  Conscious thought, knowledge, appraisal, and logic help us determine good from bad and enable change.  The process of change is difficult and is easily corrupted and influenced by brain chemistry, which is evident in trauma, addiction, and experiential mental health problems. 

There is considerable debate about how long it takes for a habit to form, but it is widely recognized that it takes about twice as long to break a habit as it does to make a habit.  Habits have definitely formed during Coronavirus.  

If you are ready for a no excuses, no judgment approach, and it is time to change for you, a loved one, family, or friend, we can help. Give us a call at 813-434-3639 to schedule a 15 minute consultation with Chris Long.


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