A Message for You When You Thrive in Crisis


You’re in your element through a crisis. Not only do you thrive -- you step up and lead.  People admire you. Look up to you. Wonder how you do it. You are calm, cool, and collected.  (On the outside, at least.)

What people don’t know is your backstory.  That along the way, in your life, you looked around you during times of crisis, desperate to find someone to guide you, and realized there was no one else to turn to.  

They don’t know that you were 7 when this first started.

When you looked for the adult to take care of things and realized, if you were going to be taken care of, you’d have to do it yourself.  You learned to step into a very adult role.  A kid in grown-up clothing.

And with that grown-up clothing, you learned how to shut off all feelings.  (You call it “compartmentalizing”.)   There’s no time to feel when you’re scrambling for your life.  It’s almost as if you can detach from your body.  Float above yourself to get things done.  (We call that dissociation.)

But, hey, that’s “worked” for you in your life.  You’ve even gotten awards and accolades for it.

But the people who applaud you don’t see what happens when you’re along. How your body screams at you with headaches.  How you can’t leave the bathroom because your stomach is in knots. How the details of your day haunt you at night. They don’t see the panic attacks (you’ve gotten really good at hiding them).

You’ve never gotten help because you’re afraid of opening up Pandora’s Box.  What you don’t realize is that you’re LIVING in Pandora’s Box.

But I see you.  (We’re kindred spirits that way).

And I have a question for you.  One that I want to ask to the depths of your heart and soul.  Those places that are so war-torn and weary and aren’t sure how much longer they can go on…

What if this time was different?

What if you didn’t try to do this crisis all on your own?

What if you got the support you’ve deserved this entire time and this crisis didn’t leave you so exhausted, depleted, anxious, and crushingly depressed?

We have a team of therapists who specialize in standing shoulder to shoulder with you while you forge a different path.  We use Accelerated Resolution Therapy to help you move these experiences out of your body so that you’re not carrying the weight of them through anxiety and depression. We help you to have a corrective experience with crisis so that you realize you’re not alone. 

You were never meant to do it alone. Give our office a Call at 813-434-3639 to schedule an free consultation. Visit our website and take a look at our different therapists and what they can do for you here.


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