Are You Looking at My FOOBS?
Are You Looking at My FOOBS?
We all have 'em, but nobody wants to talk about 'em! Family of Origin BS. Are you looking at my FOOBS?? Find out why Harper Therapy is the best FOOB-reduction option around!
For the longest time, I (Yolanda) tried to pretend that what I do as a therapist didn't involve the phrases "tell me about your childhood" and "how did that make you feel?". I mean, that's the typical therapy cliche, right? And one that most people seem to want to avoid.
So, I tried on other types of therapy. Ones called "solution-focused" and "cognitive-behavioral therapy" -- therapy that many people find more palatable. And those worked ok. Kinda.
But what I couldn't help but notice is that all of that childhood stuff kept coming out sideways, because it wasn't being addressed. It was there, lurking under the surface of struggling relationships and maladaptive behavior. And, without exception, those early in life experiences were the breeding ground for our introduction to the deep, dark emotion of shame. SO, I had to get honest with myself that if our goal at Harper Therapy is to truly be a Home for Hope, Growth, and Healing, then we needed to be expert FOOBS-busters -- obliterating the family of origin BS.
That's who we are. That's what we do.
But WHY do we have to go there??!!?? You may ask.
Because that's where it all begins. Your FOOBS are the voice of your inner critic, the committee that takes up residence in your head that keeps you small, anxious, and disconnected. Your FOOBS are where you learned all of your maladaptive coping mechanisms -- they served a purpose when you were small, but they are not serving you at this point in your life. Taking a look at your FOOBS give you a much better understanding of yourself, why you react the way you do in certain situations, and why you seem to engage in the same kinds of relationship patterns.
But let's be clear
Therapy isn't about staying forever in the land of the FOOBS. It's also not about blaming or excusing. Like any other kind of history, we examine it so that we can learn from it and make different decisions moving forward. Create a life of meaning, purpose, connection, authenticity, and peace. Sure, not everything is FOOBS-related, but most things are!
So, to answer the question "Are you looking at my FOOBS?" -- yes, we are!! Are you ready to take a look at them? It's a huge weight taken off your shoulders when you do!
At Harper Therapy, our team is committed to your Hope, Growth, and Healing. Call 813-434-3639 to schedule your appointment today, or use the form below to schedule a free consultation call.