Core Values and Your Teen

Core Values and Your Teen

Have you ever wondered why you made a certain decision, or became friends with someone? Have you ever wondered why a certain situation felt so big? Likely, your Core Values were at play. Like you, your teen has her own set of values that influence who she is, what she does. So today, we want to talk about the important role of core values and your teen.

What are values and why are we talking about them? Values are one’s judgment of what’s important in life. Think about your life and what guides your behavior, decision-making, and relationship choices; you are most likely guided by your values, even if you are not aware of it.

Examples of values are respect, trust, family, curiosity, creativity, fun, relaxation, friends, influence, work, power, peace, optimism, authenticity, etc. As a teenager, it’s rare that anyone talks about values, even though they become increasingly important as teens start growing older and making more of their own decisions.

Developmentally, it's a teen's job to start to move from doing what their parents say they should do to doing what they believe in doing. And while most parents hope that teenagers automatically carry forth the family's value system, don’t forget that they have competing influencers in their lives (think social media, peers, other adults). That makes it even more important to sit down and have a conversation with your teen about what’s important to them and why. Part of being a parent is the delicate balance of letting go and allowing your child to have their own journey while also making sure they are healthy, happy, and safe. Having an open, honest conversation with teens is the first step towards helping them identify their values and make decisions accordingly.

When I was a teen, values were never discussed; in fact, I only just started thinking about them in my work as a therapist. I look at values as I do a compass, or a personal “northern star”; they guide the way when everything feels chaotic and overwhelming.

Help your daughter navigate through their rocky teen year better with a discussion about values. We can help you support your daughter! Check out our exclusive BE BOLD MOVEMENT or schedule an individual appointment today.


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