The Art of Listening 2.0 - The Expert Edition
Does the title of today's blog sound familiar? If so, you have a great memory! We shared part one of this topic recently. But this topic is so important that now we're sharing part two with you. And this version of the art of listening 2.0 is the expert edition!
Part of what makes communication so difficult is that we have such a hard time listening, so here are some tips to help up your listening game!
Listen without a hidden agenda. Please refrain from planning your response while your partner is speaking. Be wholehearted while listening. By the way, wholehearted means being present with all your senses, being sincere, committed, empathic.
Listen without judgment. Do your very best to stay open minded. Unless you are in their shoes, you can’t really know what they went through, are going through or what made them respond in the way they responded.
“Listen” to non-verbal cues. Almost 60% to 75% of our communication is non-verbal! Raised eyebrows, hand flapping, crossed arms, foot tapping anybody?! No words needed to understand what is going on in those instances!
Create an environment that welcomes conversation, and listening. Aim to turn off the TV, radio, stove, put down the phone.
Effective communication involves skilled listening. True listening creates deeper connections, and understanding of those around us. True listening strengthens trust and commitment, which are the foundation of healthy and successful relationships. If in the process of learning and practicing these techniques you forget these concepts, just remember this…we have 2 ears and 1 mouthpiece…so we must listen more than we talk…and that my friends, is the best place to start.
Until our next blog-chat! Stay focused on your well-being and strive for kindness towards those around you. Remember that your home for Hope, Growth & Healing awaits for you at Harper Therapy. Dr. Yiara Blanco can help you become a listening ninja! Call us to ask about our services, and set up your appointments at 813-434-3639.
Yiara Blanco, Psy.D * Couples Specialist * Harper Therapy