How to Survive as an Introvert During the Holidays


Ah, the holidays!  There's nothing like it!  The sights, the sounds, the smells, the hustle, the bustle, but busy calendar and party after event after celebrations.  It's enough to send an introvert into a tailspin and need a nap!  Now don't get me wrong--  I love the holiday season.  But as an introvert, who is also a highly sensitive person, I have learned that I need to engage with the holiday season from a different angle, just so that I can see through the months of November and December so that I'm still standing come January.  So here are some tips on how to survive as an introvert during the holidays.

How to Survive as an Introvert During the Holidays:

Recognize your introverted superpower

In a world geared more toward extroverts, you might not be aware of the traits of an introvert.  Many people assume that introvert don't like to be around people, but that's not entirely accurate.  Introverts don't prefer to be around large groups of people that they don't know.  Introverts hate small talk and love to dive deep into meaningful one-on-one conversation.  And introverts need time to themselves to recharge.  The superpower of this is that we are deep thinkers, deep feelers, and connectors -- when we do what we need to do to take care of ourselves!!A highly sensitive person is someone who is easily overstimulated by sights, sounds, smells, and activities.  We have sensitive nervous systems and can easily become overwhelmed by all of the goings-on during the holidays, if we're not careful.So, knowing is half the battle!  These traits definitely shouldn't be considered "weaknesses", as we might think of them in an extroverted-dominated world that needs the traits that we bring to the table!

Make it a practice to check in with yourself

You might find that, during this especially busy time, you find yourself more tired, more irritable, more achy, more "revved up".  Pay attention to what your body is telling you!  When you're invited to yet another gift exchange, is there a feeling of dread??  That's your body telling you to rest, or that you would be better served to choose a smaller, more intimate activity with close friends and family, after which you'll likely feel energized instead of depleted.

Take action for yourself

Take back control of your calendar.  Prioritize time to rest and recharge.  Choose to spend time with the people and activities that are meaningful to you instead of all of the countless ones you're "supposed" to do.  Then, you'll find yourself eagerly looking to 2019, instead of dragging yourself into the New Year!

Need some help? We're here for you!  

Use the form below to schedule a free consultation with one of our skilled counselors who can help you find your superpower, or call 813-434-3639 to schedule an appointment today!


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