Reduce Anxiety by Asking for Help

Reduce Anxiety by Asking for Help

You're not sure how it's possible, but your to-do list is growing longer by the second.  There's the big project at work.  You need to schedule that doctor's appointment, but don't have time to be put on hold for ten minutes.  There's dry cleaning to pick up and a stop at the grocery store where, hopefully, you'll figure out something for dinner.  It's so much that your head is spinning and you find yourself thinking that this is all too much for one person to handle.  And it is!!  This might take many of us by surprise, but none of us can tackle this crazy world on our own, so here are some tips for how to reduce anxiety by asking for help.

Letting go of "my way"

The first step to Reduce Anxiety by Asking for Help

To be perfectly honest, we usually come by our perfectionist tendencies honestly.  In our lives, they have served a purpose.  We've been highly effective and have gotten great accolades by doing things *just so*.But the truth is that there really is more than one way to load the dishwasher, or make the bed, or fold the towels, or write the blog post. ;)

Part of our experience of anxiety is our mistaken belief that things have to be done a certain way, or they will fall apart.  Until someone does it a different way and we realize that the world is still spinning on its axis and nothing has exploded.Sure we have our preferences, but does it really matter which way the toilet paper is on the roll?  In the grand scheme of things, we have way much more important stuff to focus our time and energy on.  No every thing can be a crisis!

Being vulnerable enough to ask for help and admit we can't do it all (spoiler alert - nobody can!)

The second step to Reduce Anxiety by Asking for Help

As women in our society, most of us are well-conditioned to appear as if we have it all together.  We wake up with our hair perfectly in place.  We wear just the right amount of makeup to look young and fresh without trying too hard.  Our bodies are naturally thin, but with curves in just the right places.  We can bring home the bacon... fry it up in the pan... all while looking adorable.In reality, none of this is true.  And even though we all know this, we don't all KNOW it, or at least say it out loud. So asking for help feels like weakness.  Like a chink in our armor. It feels super risky.

But the fact of the matter is... People WANT to help!

The most important tip -

Think about it.  When a friend or loved one asks you to help, it's "not a big deal", right? You automatically reply "Of course, no problem!"

Part of relationships (romantic, family, and friendships) is the reciprocity that goes along with them -- physically and emotionally.  A friend is happy to pick up a gallon of milk or loaf of bread when she's already at the store anyway, and you're there for her as a shoulder to cry on when her mom gets that diagnosis.  That's the beauty of belonging to each other! So, ladies, what step can you take towards reducing anxiety by asking for help? What friend comes to mind who you can reach out to?

Sometimes, reaching out for help includes talking with professionals like Alina, who have an objective perspective and can teach you some skills for taking unnecessary stressors off your plate.  

Connect with her by calling 813-434-3639 to schedule a free consultation. 


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