One thing that seems to get left out is play and creativity in your marriage and relationships.  Trust me when we tell you that incorporating play and creativity in your marriage can take your relationship to the next level.  Play and creativity does a lot for a relationship.  Just to name a few things:

  • Play and creativity in your marriage helps relieve stress

  • Play and creativity in your marriage improves brain function

  • Play and creativity in your relationship helps you to boost further creativity

  • Play and creativity in your relationship will keep you feeling young and energized

  • Play and creativity will improve your connection and relationship

  • Play and creativity in your marriage will help you develop cooperation in your relationship

  • Play and creativity in your relationship will bring down walls

One of the big things for any relationship is having a firm foundation that it is built on for when the hard stuff happens.  Play and creativity is that foundation!

Another great thing for relationships is rest.  Rest is good for the brain.  Rest puts you in a place where you can focus and plan the future of your relationship.

We have to be intentional about adding play and creativity to our relationships.  Putting it into place is just like anything else.  You have to plan it and make it a priority.  No matter if you like to take a walk together, Hike trails together, paddleboard together (like us), or any other ideas you may come up with, you must plan it and make time for it.  It does not have to be a big production, it just needs to be.  It needs to be part of any healthy relationship or marriage.

Harper Therapy strives to be your home of hope, growth, and healing. 

Give us a call at 813-434-3639 if your marriage could use some support.


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