What Is Grief? And Yes, It’s Trauma.

It is inevitable that at some point during your lifetime you are going to suffer with grief not once, but probably multiple times. Most people have the misconception that grief only encompasses the death of a loved one. However, the fact is that grief seeps into our lives in various ways. Some are more detrimental than others, but all are traumatic to us, nonetheless. Any kind of drastic change in your life that alters how you think and feel can be put into this category: The loss of your first love or any major relationship, divorce, loss of a job or career, having your life not turn out the way you planned for some unforeseen reason, having to give up your life to take care of a loved one, losing a limb, losing a pet, and even having to give up alcohol and all of the aspects of society that go along with it.

Grief is a heavy weight to carry.

At Harper Therapy we can help you with the trauma and the grief. Give us a call today at 813-434-3639.


Seven Signs You Are Not Dealing With Your Trauma


Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)