Seven Signs You Are Not Dealing With Your Trauma

As people progress throughout life, there are signs that they have not dealt with their trauma, especially to the trained eye. This manifests in two ways. They either internalize their pain and suffering or externalize their pain and suffering. Sometimes, it can be both. Now, what does this look like? 

Here are some signs that you are not dealing with your grief:

1. Compulsive behaviors: Over or undereating, excessive spending, addiction to distraction (binging on Netflix), endless social media scrolling, and substance abuse. 

2. Withdrawal from relationships. 

3. Over-functioning (the overachiever). 

4. Irritability (drama and fighting is more comfortable than sitting with the pain). 

5. Persistent sleep issues. 

6. Physical symptoms emerge (psycho-somatic). 

7. Mental health symptoms emerge or worsen (anxiety, depression, SI, etc.).

At Harper Therapy we can help you deal with your trauma.

Give us a call at 813-434-3639.


Treat Your Trauma Now Before Your Symptoms Become Unbearable


What Is Grief? And Yes, It’s Trauma.