Resiliency through Adversity

I can’t count how many times I would hear this term and think to myself, wait what… resiliency… it is just what you are prescribed to do without a second thought. Relationships are tough but now imagine encountering several changes all while moving around the world to unknown territories. And then on top of that, you are left with several daunting tasks… unpack those PCS boxes, enroll the kids in school, complete the car registrations, oh and don’t forget to find a new doctor and try to have a thriving marriage. Whew!

How do you overcome the inevitable with your spouse? Experiencing a tough situation is a challenge but now bouncing back from it is admirable. The art of getting back to it after going through the trenches can make or break you or even your marriage. So how do you overcome the inevitable with your spouse? Moving sucks, uprooting the family and setting in a new place is such a hassle but how do you overcome this? 

  1. Accept the truth, transitions suck. We are humans and by nature we don’t like to be uncomfortable! I will be the first to admit it, why would I want to put myself through difficult moments? The truth of the matter is that while change is inevitable, we can learn to accept the suck and immerse ourselves into the reality of it. While accepting the truth, try to maintain that connection we talked about earlier this month. It is easy to get lost in everyday activities. 

  2. Plan when you can! If your spouse is due to leave for days, weeks, months at a time, try setting a date or a time where you can maintain contact with your spouse. Maybe you send them a simple, “Hi” before you start your day. Keep it simple but keep it going.

  3. Use your resources! Most military bases offer classes and groups for parents, families, and spouses to meet. Get to know your local base and the services they offer. This can help you with getting connected to those in your community who are experiencing the same as you.

  4. Practicing resilience could look different for everyone. Perhaps you have Salsa classes on your bucket list or you have always wanted to get into yoga. Find something that calls to you and your spouse. 

If any of this resonates with you, give us a call. 


Emotional Exhaustion


Adaptability during Moments of Uncertainty