It Was Just a Façade

Working towards healing from fear and worry will benefit you and your family. It will also create a better mental atmosphere on the job and with friends. Trying to maintain the persona of one who is brave, but on the inside the fear and worry are chipping away at your core can be tough. That was me until I got really honest with myself. I didn’t engage in self shame, but real talk instead. Looking and acting brave, unshaken and without a care in the world wasn’t real. IT WAS JUST A FAÇADE.

My personal journey with fear and worry in addition to my job helped me understand that fear and worry can strike anyone at any time. Those CONSTANT thoughts about the thing that is feared or the outcome that is dreaded can be relentless. It doesn’t take much to trigger fear and worry. One possibility generates just enough fire to set ablaze more thoughts that keep fear and worry smoldering. The presentation on the outside…the façade…is a well put together person who is ready to tackle the world. However, on the inside, if truth be told, there is an individual donning charred clothes with the soot of despair from head to toe, barely putting one foot in front of the other, just trying to fake it until they make it. Hearing testimonies of how fear and worry rob individuals of joy and peace in the midst of struggling to maintain the appearance or façade of having it together happens more than most people realize.

Recognizing that fear and worry are deceptive thieves who terrorizes and take that which doesn’t belong to them is the first step to healing. How long will you continue to allow fear and worry to rent space in a place where they don’t legally have the right to reside? You don’t have to fake it until you make it. Call Harper Therapy at (813) 434-3639 for a free consultation if you want help giving fear and worry their eviction notice.


Life On The Other Side Of Fear And Worry


Relational Fear