Life On The Other Side Of Fear And Worry

Situation + probability = FEAR. That was my equation for fear. What about you? What’s your formula? A better question is, how would your life look if you weren’t tormented and controlled by fear.

Change in many instances occurs when a person becomes sick and tired of being sick and tired. Personally, I was tired. You may be feeling tired too. So much precious time was wasted, and memories lost. I remember some days feeling like I had run a marathon or that I had been in a fight. I finally realized that I was in a fight. I fought to experience joy, peace, happiness, and contentment on a deeper level. These surface level emotions that others saw were merely a façade to fool people. The battle scars, burns and bruises were hidden behind my smile and listening ears that are always available for others. Few people knew that I was fighting a battle of my own…fear and worry.

Someone said that “life begins on the other side of fear”. That is definitely a true statement for me. Those surface area emotions, joy, peace, happiness, and contentment have now become deep rooted emotions because I’ve made it to the other side. Instead of being fearful and stricken with worry, I can now rest in the peace (serenity) of accepting things I can’t change. I also, have the strength (courage) to change the things I can, and a calm mind that affords me the wisdom to know the difference. Life on this side is without a doubt better than that on the side of fear.

How will life on the other side of fear look for you. We can help you get there. Call Harper Therapy at (813) 434-3639 for a free consultation.


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