Individual Intensive for a Fresh Start in 2022

For many of us, the New Year is like a “reset” button.  Turn the page of the calendar to a fresh start.  And the New Year feels like a timely fresh start after a tumultuous holiday season -- the kind where you hope against hope that things will be different, where you dream that everyone gets along together and the shit doesn’t hit the fan -- and then it does.  Again.  Yep, it always does.

Yes, 2022 feels like a year of possibility.  But, then again, so did 2020.  Remember that??  All of the “2020 Vision” slogans that we started the year off with?  Then we tried that again in 2021?  Yeah.  That.

For real this time, though.  2022 CAN be a fresh start by working through everything that’s built up in your brain, body, and soul through 2020 and 2021 with an individual intensive.  All of the trauma that you’ve experienced -- whether you’ve wondered if you’d make it through a global pandemic health-wise, financially, or with your relationships and sanity intact. These things weigh us down more than we realize, and we continue to carry them with us, both mentally and physically, until we process them.

And maybe, just maybe, you’re ready to dream again.  And you don’t want the lingering effects of the past two years getting in the way of dreaming in a realistic way.  Even if COVID is the new norm, there’s a way to breathe life back into life again.

Sound impossible?  Give us a call at 813-434-3639 to set up a free consultation to see what’s possible in two days.


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