How to Regain Power After an Abusive Relationship

As we learn from the previous blogs, just because someone says they love you doesn't mean it justifies hurting you.  When someone you love also causes you emotional and physical pain, there is a mismatch in your brain about how to love.

You then start accepting pain as part of being loved. Being surrendered by people that have emotionally, verbally, and physically hurt you; makes you believe that the way they treat you is okay and that you are wrong for thinking differently.

But the truth is that no one deserves to be treated this way. It is possible to be in a relationship where you get to say “no” without feeling afraid and express your needs without feeling guilty. But to get there, you have to let go of that false belief that you deserve to be mistreated and that you are not allowed to have emotions or needs. Self-compassion and empowerment are the best tools to help you overcome these false beliefs. 

Self-compassion teaches you to treat yourself with kindness and process your emotions and needs without feeling bad and spring into shame. And empowerment allows you to give up the fear and walk away from the cycle of abuse and pain while holding yourself in high regard.

If you want to gain power and regain your life, give us a call to Harper Therapy (813) 434-3639 and we can help you get there. 


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