Social Media: Setting Limits with Your Teen

Social Media is life nowadays, especially for a  teenager.  How do you create boundaries for it without creating another barrier in the relationship between parent and teenager?  First of all, let me just say there is no easy answer.  Here are a few ideas to try out with your family.  

Most importantly what I have learned in sessions with teenagers (besides to not EVER call them “kids”) is that they want to understand the why behind everything.  If you are going to create a boundary or a rule, it is helpful to understand the purpose or the meaning of that rule that is being put in place.  When I was a kid I often heard “because I said so”.  As an adult I realized how much I appreciate and how much harder I work if I understand the purpose behind a project.  Be open and honest with your teenagers about the fear and danger of social media.  They don’t have the life experience or the knowledge to recognize red flags, but they really can't identify danger if we aren’t educating them.  

A healthy boundary might be that they can have snapchat if you can check it daily or they have to provide passwords to accounts.  Explain this is important because of the dangers of the internet and how things that go on the internet are there forever even if you can’t see them.

Make sure you are mirroring what your expectations are.  If you are going to tell your kids not to use electronics at the dinner table, be aware of what you are doing.  I am absolutely guilty of doing this, especially after a long day.  I tell my kids no ipads at dinner, but I’m mindlessly scrolling on Facebook.  It’s important for our kids to see us disconnect from social media and it's also healthy for us.  

You know your family and your kids and you know what will work. The rule of thumb is to have open communication and give them an explanation. 

If you are looking for some help for yourself or your teen and their struggles with social media, give us a call to set up a free consultation at 813-434-3639.


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