Sign Up to Get Information About Our Group for Families with Loved Ones Struggling with Addiction

If you’ve been following us on Facebook, you’ll know that we’ve been talking for some time now about our Rising Strong group for families of addicted loved ones. Today, we want to give you some information about the email list that we’ve created to give you some more information about the group along with helpful tips to start changing the way you interact with the person in your life who may struggle with addiction. 

In these emails, we talk about topics such as whether addiction is a disease or a choice, how you tend to react when crisis hits, the fear of talking about your loved one’s substance use issues, grief surrounding lost hopes and dreams, and a breakdown of what the group process looks like. Hopefully, you will get some useful information from these emails even without having to sign up for the group! That being said, we’d love for you to join us in the fall when we start our group for family members of addicted loved ones. We will be doing a virtual group along with an in-person one, run by two of our therapists, Alina and Toni. We hope that you consider joining our email list to find out more about the group and how you might benefit from participating!

Call Harper Therapy at 813-434-3639 for a free consultation.


Community Collaboration: Every Rose LLC.


Social Media: Setting Limits with Your Teen