Risk Factors for Families with Loved Struggling with Addiction

Over the past several years there has been research done to help determine risk factors for addiction.  The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) are events that occur from birth to 18 years old that can impact your health later in life.  These events are not just risk factors for addiction, but other health concerns as well, like high blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety etc. 

Some of these events are:

Experiencing violence, abuse or neglect

Witnessing violence

Having a friend or family member attempt or die by suicide. 

Instability due to separation from a caregiver, or a caregiver being jailed.

61% of people who participated in the study experienced at least one of these events.  This does not mean that 61% of the participants were struggling with addiction.  It is just a factor. 

By recognizing addiction as a disease it can begin to lose its negative connotation.  If you look at it as diabetes or cancer, it may be easier to refocus questions or how you look for treatment or treat your loved one struggling with the disease. 

If you know someone that is struggling with addiction, it is important to understand where they are in their addiction and to respect that.  When someone is diagnosed with cancer and they refuse treatment, you don’t force it on them.  However, you may create boundaries for yourself about how you will not contribute to their disease.  You can do the same for someone struggling with addiction. 

If you have a loved one struggling with addiction and are interested in more information please call us at Harper Therapy 813-434-3639.  


Group for Families with Loved Ones Facing Addiction


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