Group for Families with Loved Ones Facing Addiction

We are starting a group at Harper Therapy to help individuals with loved ones that struggle with addiction.  Often times it feels lonely, and you may feel like you are the only one that is going through this with your loved one.  By starting this group we are hoping to grow a community to help others know that you are not alone.  

Getting involved in a group setting may seem intimidating, but hearing another person share a story similar to yours and knowing that there are other people that get it, is empowering.  Attending a group and building your community can teach you that you don’t have to do hard things alone.   

This group is based off of Brene Browns Rising Strong model.  The tools that will be taught in the group can be applied to the struggle with your loved one with addiction, but can also be transferred to other hard events that you go through in life.   

Personally I have worked through some of the steps and have found that I can apply the skills from this model to anything.  I have used it to recognize patterns in arguments with my husband, in my work and how I respond to my kids after a hard day.  

These groups will be held Tuesdays, online from 5:30pm- 7pm, starting April 6, 2021. 

If you have a loved one struggling with addiction and are interested in this group to learn the tools and skills to help manage the emotions and reactions to hard things in your life, please call us at Harper Therapy 813-434-3639.   


Shame : The Silent Enemy of Healing from Addiction


Risk Factors for Families with Loved Struggling with Addiction