New Patterns to Take From COVID Quarantine


The state is starting to open up and we are now in phase 2. Things are starting to get back to normal. A thing I would hear many people mention is that idea that COVID allowed them to slow down and realize that they were not taking time to relax or slow down and enjoy time with their families. I wanted to discuss ways to help you recognize the patterns to know that you need to slow down, along with discuss ways to help yourself not fall back into that state of exhaustion.

  1. Take time to notice how you are feeling. Now I would say a good amount of people are going back to work in the office. When you notice yourself feeling off or feeling sad, anxious or angry take some time for mindfulness. I want you to scan your body and just notice how you are feeling within your body. Is there tension in your shoulders, pain in your stomach etc. After you notice where you are holding the emotion in your body I want to you take some time to take a few deep belly breaths and imagine the area of pain or tension loosening. You can do some progressive relaxation or peaceful visualization. This small break of a few minutes will help you feel more grounded and give your body and brain time to re-center.

  2. Schedule self-care or breaks in your schedule. People have been complaining that they realize they have worked so hard that their body was in a state of exhaustion. This can look like taking a walk at work, taking time to sip some tea or one of your favorite drinks, and in your free time making time to do something you enjoy that is relaxing. Figuring out the patterns that lead you to that repair state will allow you to act before you get to that point, so take care of yourself with these breaks.

  3. Set boundaries with others. It is okay to say no to plans when you need “me time” or to spend time with your family or partner. It is okay to tell others that you need to pass on plans or maybe at work cannot stay over one of the days.

  4. Make time for play. Schedule this within your day or in your free time. Play and relaxation is important for feeling grounded and feeling positivity in your week. I know that things are not completely open yet and maybe you do not feel comfortable going out yet. So, this can look like game nights, doing art projects or if you do feel comfortable leaving the house maybe checking out some fun tourist sites of your city. 

  5. Take time to notice any negative thoughts you may be holding. Brene Brown mentions the idea of exhaustion as a status symbol. Is this a thought you hold? Are these thoughts you are holding something that is bringing pleasure to your life. If you notice yourself having a negative thought I would encourage you to explore where it comes from and if it is something you feel is something that fits your values or even if it is a motivating thought or something that brings you displeasure. 

Quarantine was for sure a time that brought people stress but it also was something that allowed us to realize that we need to take time to slow down and to take a look at our patterns. I encourage you to take time to allow yourself to enjoy your day a little more and be able to spend more time with friends and family. Being overworked is not something we can keep up and eventually we will emotionally crash and feel exhausted. 

If you are feeling exhausted and overworked, or if you're looking to improve your relationship, give our office a call at 813-434-3639 to schedule a consultation with Jennifer!


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