Confronting the New Normal

The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted all of us and we are facing large scale behavior and social change, the extent of which is impossible to predict.  Crisis leads to change, both crisis and change are threatening.  Threat and forced change can lead to adjustment problems and accelerate mental health issues, especially; post traumatic stress, social anxiety, generalized anxiety, depression, and complicated grief.  Are you ready for the new normal…what is your plan? 

What will be different:

  • There will be a major paradigm shift in the job market 

  • Some businesses/industries will die out and others will grow exponentially

  • More opportunities to work from a remote location or home /remote 

  • An increased focus on technology

  • Shared amenities will be reduced or may eliminated

  • Precautions will be emphasized washing hands, covering a cough or sneeze, cleaning & disinfecting, use personal protective equipment, you will be sent home if you are sick

  • Elbow room will be extended to 6 feet, and the handshake, hug, or kiss on the cheek will be more exclusive

While it seems simple, it is complex and profound.  At work, home, school, and at public and private facilities, expectations, policies and procedures will change and we will see a new normal.  The manners, etiquette, and hygiene, as well as patterns of social interaction, communication, and customs, that we grew up with and taught our children, will evolve. 

So if you are stuck, struggling, or if you need to re-invent yourself, therapy can help you to adjust or stay on top of your game and embrace the opportunity for change, especially in this new normal. Give us a call at 813-434-3639 to schedule an appointment with Chris Long today!


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