Questions to Ask About Couples and Marriage Intensives in Tampa

Couples Intensives

So, you and your partner have looked around at different options for couples therapy, and you’ve decided that a couples intensive is the way to go. Yay! You’ve found some options that seem good enough. All of them talk about doing a consultation, but what does that even mean? What should you say? What questions do you ask?  This whole process seems confusing and overwhelming, and you just want some help!

Questions to ask about couples intensives in Tampa

Basically, any questions you and your partner have about couples intensives are fair game for you to ask!  These might include:

  • What the schedule for the intensive is. Many busy professionals have a hard time making weekly therapy sessions work, but can carve out a couple of days for an intensive that is the equivalent of months of therapy.

  • The cost of the intensive.  Keep in mind that most insurance companies do not cover the cost of couples therapy, so the payment is out-of-pocket — especially for intensive retreats.  But the cost is far less than the price of a retainer for a divorce attorney!

  • What follow up support is included.  Big changes can happen in a short period of time, but follow up support is helpful to make sure the changes stick!

  • Any specialized training and/or experience the therapist has.  

And, just a heads-up, the therapist might have a few questions for you to make sure what they’re offering is going to be beneficial for you and your partner.  Getting clarity here helps set everyone up for success! Those questions might include:

  • What goals do you have for the intensive (what would each of you like to be different at the end of the intensive experience)?  This helps to fine-tune the road map and makes it clear to everyone what the final destination is!

  • Are you each willing to commit to being  present and working on the relationship during the intensive?  One of the benefits of intensives is the opportunity to step away from the typical distractions and stressors that leave such a negative impact on the relationship.

  • Is there active substance abuse, domestic violence, or an active sexual affair that would keep you from being present and working on the relationship during the intensive?  These are actually contra-indicated and NOT BENEFICIAL for intensive work. (But there are still options for individual therapy while these are being addressed).

A free couples intensive consultation in Tampa 


My name is Yolanda Harper I hope this helps to give a better idea of some of the questions you can ask during a free consultation for a couples intensive in Tampa.  If you have additional questions, or would like these specific questions answered, feel free to call our office at (813) 434-3639 to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with your relationship, you can read more about how I can help here


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