I’m Having a Midlife Crisis, What’s Your Excuse…

Midlife Crisis

So, now you are rocking a Dad body, your kids are all over the map, your sex life isn’t what it used to be, your parents are ageing, dead, or dying, and it seems like your life is more work than play.  Or maybe there was an “uh-oh” moment, a loss, change, or just the realization that you are mortal, have a finite amount of time left, and better get on that bucket list. You are getting older and biochemical changes are real. Hey, it’s not too late, time for a do over, rock n roll, I deserve this. Don't let a midlife crisis stop you!

As you start to take inventory and look at the scoreboard, you ponder who you are, what you have, and what you want.  The existential vs the essential come into play. Would of, could of, should of, I wish I knew then what I know now; meaning, purpose, goals, risks, choices, and the road not taken.  While some boredom, regret, and anger are normal, understandable, and even predictable: ask yourself - are you creating a train wreck or a legacy? Listen to others, be honest with yourself, and look for the warning signs.

Men frequently struggle implementing self-care strategies and achieving balance in a healthy sustainable way.  If you are having a problem achieving balance or you are experiencing reactions such as; anxiety, depression, pushing others away, increased risk taking, spending, infidelity, drugs or alcohol, or you are acting like a fool, it is more than a midlife crisis. 

We can help you achieve:

  • Balance

  • Peace of mind

  • Build your legacy

  • Self care strategies

  • Moving forward rather than looking back

Yes, you are a role model.  There is no shame in getting help to save yourself, your relationship, your family. Give us a call at 813-434-3639 to schedule an appointment! If you’re looking for solutions for your problems let Chris Long help you find your path to hope, growth, and healing.


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