The Importance of Self Care in Your Relationship

February is love month AND it's heart month! So, we want to take some time to talk about the importance of self-care in your relationship. Self-care can go out the window when we're in the the Messy Middle of our relationships, so stop right now and call for an appointment with your primary care provider to make sure your physical heart is healthy. (Keep in mind that many medical conditions have a negative impact on our mental and emotional heath and our relationships!)

How's the health of your relationship? How are you caring for your heart, your body? How about your partner? How are the two of you caring for the heart of your relationship?

Read our tips below:

  1. Create a heart-healthy routine together! Go for a walk, go to yoga, take a spicy zumba class, or meditate together. Not only are you taking care of your physical health, but releasing endorphins together is good for the heart of your relationship! Get sweaty together!!

  2. Nurture your body. Make a commitment to fix a healthy meal together at least once a week. Find a new recipe, prepare the meal, and clean up together. Appreciating new tastes and new experiences is good for the heart of your relationship, so tingle those tastebuds!!

  3. Keep a positive perspective when problem solving. The truth is that we all make mistakes, so it's important to own our mistakes when we make them and be willing to make amends, knowing that this strengthens the relationship. And since none of us is perfect, guess what... your partner is going to make mistakes (and hurt your heart) sometimes. When it comes time to problem solve and talk through hard things, remember to reconnect with your own and your partner's heart and the love that your marriage is rooted in.

  4. Build Love Maps. Love maps are the path to your partner's heart. They're a way to connect more deeply in your relationship by knowing your partner's world. These love maps are based on any open-ended questions, but if you'd like something more structured, check out the Gottman's App!

  5. Share 6 seconds of bliss. Make it a kiss, a hug, holding hands, or looking into each others eyes. Another opportunity to experience a flood of those feel-good endorphins and enjoy your partner in the present moment!

If the heart of your marriage could use a little extra TLC, schedule an appointment with our couples expert, Yiara to get back on track. Call 813-434-3639


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