How do you know if you have anxiety?

How do you know if you have anxiety

Did you know that anxiety is the most common mental health issue in America? According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults in the United States or 18.1% of the population every year. Many people struggle with anxiety without actually knowing that anxiety is what they are dealing with! How do you know if you have anxiety? Here are some examples of what anxiety might look like in your life:

  1. Your heart feels like it's on a treadmill.  There are times that you wonder if you might have a medical concern -- like heart problems -- or be on the verge of having a heart attack.  Anxiety can feel like a racing heart.

  2. You have a hard time catching your breath or taking a full breath.  Anxiety can feel like an elephant is sitting on your chest.

  3. You experience tightness in certain parts of your body, like your chest, stomach, throat, neck/shoulders, or lower back.  Anxiety feels like muscle tension.

  4. You have racing thoughts about "what if?", constantly thinking about the future and what might potentially go wrong. Anxiety feels like you're spinning on a hamster wheel.

  5. You have a hard time concentrating or focusing on a task.  Anxiety feels like brain fog.

  6. You have a hard time staying in the moment and being present for whatever you are doing or whomever you are with. Anxiety feels like missing time.

  7. You tend to like to be in control of things and how they work out. Anxiety feels like hopelessness.

  8. You feel like your anxiety/fear is preventing you from doing things in life that you want to do (e.g. trying a new hobby, socializing with others, looking for a new job). Anxiety feels like prison.

So, how do you know if you have anxiety? Hopefully this list gives some insight.  Like any other issue we deal with in therapy, the first step is awareness. Once you've become aware that anxiety is impacting your life and preventing you from living your full potential, you may want to seek help.

If you've reached a level of anxiety where you're experiencing panic attacks, please get help right away. Harper Therapy is here for just that. Our experienced clinicians work with individuals from teens to adult to help them navigate through some of the things that cause anxiety in the first place. Please give us a call at (813) 434-3639 to schedule a consultation today!


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