NeuroFeedback for ADHD

neurofeedback for adhd

Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) has been getting a lot of attention this past decade, but what exactly is it? ADHD is a brain disorder accompanied by ongoing patterns of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with daily function and/or development. Neurofeedback for ADHD can help with these symptoms.What many people do not know is that ADHD is actually caused by an under activation of the frontal network and top-down control regulation. Top-down control in psychology is when you are in control of what you are focusing on or doing, e.g. reading a book. Bottom-up control is the opposite, where stimulants in your environment dictate your actions, e.g. a baseball flying at your face.

The key issue in people with ADHD is that their top-down control mechanism is under activated, allowing for more frequent bottom-up control, which results in the inability to focus on a desired task and be easily distracted.

Top-down control regulation is generally located in the frontal cortex (forehead area). Studies show that people with ADHD have an average lower activation in their frontal cortex, especially during top-down control tasks. That is why many of the ADHD pharmaceuticals are stimulants designed to increase frontal cortex activation. However, pharmaceuticals are accompanied by side effects, they only work when the drug is in your system, and we do not fully understand the long-term effects of taking medication during neurological development in people under 25.

This is where neurofeedback shines.

With neurofeedback for ADHD, we are retaining your frontal cortex to have more top-down control. Through auditory reward stimulation, top-down control is strengthened both functionally and neurologically. An increase in top-down control function results in the ability to focus, stay on task and ignore distractions more efficiently. Additionally, since we are training your brain to essentially fix itself, the improvement is long lasting. Reduction in symptoms is noted to last long after treatment sessions have been completed.Are you wondering if neurofeedback can help with your ADHD symptoms? Call us today at 813-434-3639 to schedule a free consultation with our neurofeedback specialist, Ben.


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