What Therapy Is Not

Let’s talk about what therapy is not. Therapy isn’t what’s seen on television. You’ve seen the picture of a person wearing a metal pot on their head with wires dangling from it. There’s a mad scientist in a white lab jacket who appears to be hovering over the client waiting and ready to perform a lobotomy next.

Clients don’t receive shock therapy, nor is parts of their brain removed. Therapy isn’t an unsafe place. So, what is therapy?  There are many formal ways to describe therapy, but for now, let’s just say it’s a process, and hopefully, as you come to recognize “What So Good About Therapy”, the answer to this question will become clearer.

In the first blog, we discussed the stigmas and myths about therapy. As we dispel those, it’s also important to know that therapy is a place where a therapeutic relationship is formed. Rapport, trust, and confidence are built and an atmosphere of a no judgment zone is established. You come to a place where you can be raw and bear it all. That’s HUGE!!! Do you have a safe place? Your emotional, psychological, and needs pertaining to your social well-being will be shared with an individual who has been trained at a master’s level or higher, and in many cases themselves check-in with their therapist from time to time for what I call “a tune up”.

A grad school professor once said, “We can only take clients as far as we’ve gone ourselves”. My reason for sharing this is to let you know that therapist usually don’t ask you to do things they don’t do or haven’t done. In other words, we, the therapist, believe in our work. We drive our own product. We believe in it that much. Are you interested in learning more about the work we do here at Harper Therapy?  Give us a call at (813) 434-3639 for more information.


The Pandemic
