There Are Different Kinds of Boundaries

So let’s talk about the different kinds of boundaries.  This was new information for me, I hope that it is helpful to you!


There are four kinds of boundaries that Shore teachers, external, psychological, containing, and physical.  External boundaries are between you and other people, psychological and containing boundaries are inner boundaries that support external boundaries.  Physical boundaries can be both internal and external.


Having external boundaries is about our ability to let others know what is and is not okay with us and how to match our actions to that communication.  A good external boundary helps us to respond to others’ behaviors with empowerment and integrity.  External boundaries are about our communication and behavior in response to the behaviors of others.  We communicate with others how they are affecting us and what we will do in response.  Good external boundaries do not require receiving permission or approval from others.  It is letting others know what we will do if something is happening that does not feel okay.  An example of an external boundary is if a friend or partner speaks in anger that is abrupt or harsh and in ways that do not align with how we want to be spoken to, we might choose to excuse ourselves from the conversation.  Another example is when someone comments on social media in a way that is disrespectful or unkind on a post, we might choose to disable comments, if we do that we are creating a boundary around what is acceptable on our pages.

If you are looking for support when it comes to boundaries you can call Harper Therapy at 813-434-3639 today!


Let’s Talk About Boundaries