What Are Psychological Boundaries?

In the past few weeks, we talked about the need for boundaries, they help us to be regulated and so more able to relate to people and situations and not react to them.


External boundaries are the ways we set limits with others outside of ourselves. These are the boundaries that most of us are familiar with.


Psychological boundaries are different.  They are an internal boundary that separates our mind from the minds of others literally in our own heads.  It is a way of protecting our peace, of protecting our minds from others- it's that statement that what you think of me is none of my business.  We’ve all had the experience of perseverating on what happened, what someone might think of us, and what someone said to us.  This way of operating at best only steals our peace for some time, at worst, allows what others might or might not think to become what we think of ourselves, we adopt what we believe they think about us, what they think about something we did, or something else outside of ourselves. 


We can use psychological boundaries to let in what is helpful and to keep out what is not.  There are some specific ways to work with our neurobiology to help make this happen and we work on that in individual sessions.  This way of operating in the world, allows us to be clear about who we are and how we show up.  There is authenticity in that.  In authenticity, we can relate to others and ourselves in meaningful ways.

If you are looking for support when it comes to boundaries you can call Harper Therapy at 813-434-3639 today!


What Are Containing And Physical Boundaries?


There Are Different Kinds of Boundaries