Frequently Asked Questions about Therapy:

Do you accept insurance?

Let’s face it, paying for insurance is an investment, and you want to be able to use your benefits.  We totally get it!  But here’s the problem… Since there are SO MANY different insurance companies and policies, it is literally a full time job to try to navigate through all of the red tape to be in network with each one.  We’re REALLY GOOD at therapy, not insurance benefits, so we stick with what we do well.  Also, we’ve had enough experiences in the past where the insurance company tries to dictate treatment, and insurance companies are REALLY GOOD at being insurance companies, but not about knowing what works best for your mental, emotional, and relational health.

But wait!  We’re not leaving you hanging.  We ARE out of network providers for insurance, which means that we can provide you what is called a Superbill so that you can submit it to your insurance company and receive reimbursement based on your policy. For many with plans that offer out of network reimbursement for mental health services, this allows you to get the high quality service you deserve for your wellbeing and use your benefits.

Are appointments online or in person?

Both!  We are seeing clients both in person and online (or a combination of both), to best meet your needs.

What do you help with?

We are a highly specialized trauma practice.  This means that we help people heal from the most distressing moments of their lives -- not just combat or natural disasters, but also car accidents, grief, and what are called adverse childhood experiences (neglect, abuse, domestic violence, substance use by a parent or caregiver).

Because the biggest impact of trauma, beyond the flashbacks, nightmares, and panic attacks, is the way that our past shows up in our relationships, we also help couples and teens.

And, if you’re unsure of how we might be able to help you and your family, we offer a free consultation with one of our experts to talk things through.

How often will I come to therapy?

When you start therapy with us, we ask you to commit to WEEKLY sessions.  Why?  Because tons of research, best practice in the field of mental health, and our own experience show that you are actually able to save time and money by attending sessions weekly until your goals are met.  To be perfectly honest, if you attend therapy once or twice a month, you and your therapist are only “playing catchup” by talking about what has happened since your last appointment and not making real progress.

We know that you’ve been struggling for a long time by the time you pick up the phone to schedule an appointment, and we want to help you to feel better as quickly as possible.  But also know that it’s not our intention to keep you in weekly therapy forever.  We ask at your first appointment what your goals are for therapy and we’re checking in with you on a regular basis about how you feel you’re progressing towards those goals.  When you’ve reached your goals, we celebrate with you, therapy ends, and you move forward with healing and newfound tools to take into the rest of your life.

How do I know if you’re the right therapist for me?

Finding a therapist who is the right fit is SUPER important to successful therapy AND you’ve got questions about therapy.  That’s why we offer a FREE 15 minute phone consultation so that you can talk with a member of our team and ask questions before you come in for an appointment.  That way, you can get a feel for the therapist and how we do things, and the therapist can fill in some of the details about how specifically we can help.  

You can also visit the ABOUT section of our website to get an introduction to our team (including our therapy dogs!).

How soon can I get in? What’s the wait time?

You might have called around and talked to a few therapists who have a long wait time.  Because of the way we structure our services, we don’t hold a wait list of longer than two weeks.  So call today to schedule your free consultation so that you can start on your Hope, Growth, and Healing.


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