Community Collaboration: Audra Coons - Women’s Counseling

What is your name and title?

Audra Coons, LCSW

What is the name of your business/organization?

Audra Coons, LLC - Women's Counseling

Tell us a little bit about your organization and its mission.

Hi, I am a women centered therapist with an online counseling practice specialized in empowering women to overcome disordered eating, negative self/body image, and perfectionism based anxiety.

Our mission is to empower women to break free from beliefs and behaviors that are no longer serving them, and help them create space for self-love & acceptance, so they can discover the best version of themselves.

Who is a good fit for your Feel Good With Food Class?

Adult women who are so tired of struggling around food they are willing to do whatever it takes! Those who are sick of feeling guilty around food, frustrated with dieting and eating "clean," only to later find themselves binging out or eating their emotions. Women who are ready to stop that cycle for good, need support, and want to learn real tools and strategies to help them get there. Women are able to function on a daily basis while this is likely impacting other areas of life, such as relationships, social settings, work or school, and mostly their well being.

What's your favorite part about your job?

I enjoy helping people expand their self awareness, gain insights and acceptance from learning to think from different perspectives. I love getting to empower other women, helping them recognize or experience moments of growth and healing.

What do you wish people knew about having a healthy relationship with food?

It has MUCH more to do with mindset, and beliefs about food and self than with the actual food.

What makes Feel Good With Food unique?

This is an innovative, 12-week program delivered online and is designed to be flexible yet comprehensive, and uses research based principles and best practices. The program offers a variety of ways to learn and get support, through weekly teaching lessons, supportive handouts and exercises, mobile app/login, weekly counseling calls to process your experiences, opportunities for individualized feedback and guidance, email support, and a sense of support and community within a small cohort (<10) of participants.

How can people learn more and contact you? (Website, Phone, Social Media Platforms)


Facebook - @counselingwithaudra

Booking Link:


Phone: 813-773-5767

Share one fun fact about you that most people don’t know.

I grew up in a rural area in the Midwest, and was raised on a small family farm where my family grew a majority of their own food through gardening and raising livestock animals, or fishing. We always had a cow, pig, fresh eggs, fruit trees and a vegetable garden.


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