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trauma, anxiety, depresssion Yiara Blanco trauma, anxiety, depresssion Yiara Blanco

Addressing The Elephant In The Room: Domestic Violence During the Holidays

Domestic violence happens in all types of households. Your education level, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, gender, religion does not matter…domestic violence happens, and if you are living through it, we want to let you know that it is not a sign that you are weak, or that you are bad, or that you are to blame.

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stress, anxiety, holidays Alina Klein stress, anxiety, holidays Alina Klein

Post Holiday Wrap-up

This year, we’ve tentatively moved into what feels more “normal” and yet given everything we’ve been through in the past two years, what really is normal anyway? One thing that is sure to remain constant, pandemic or not, are the feelings that come up as a result of the holidays

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